Riva 1920
Produrre con onestà per tramandare alle generazioni future, costruendo mobili in grado di sfidare il tempo nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente
The company boasts a collaboration with over 100 designers who try to give “shape” to this splendid material that is wood and in this regard, in 2013 a third technologically advanced production unit was opened. “Producing with honesty to pass on to future generations, building furniture capable of defying time while fully respecting the environment”, for 95 years this has been the thought that guides and motivates every action or daily decision of Riva 1920, always faithful to its principles, outlining the contours of a production reality made up of traditions, culture, creativity and innovation. The love for nature and the search for a high quality of life mark the days of a company where craftsmanship is combined with technology, where design enhances ideas and where the attention and care of each details give life to something special, unique and timeless.