Beby Italy

Beby Italiy, il un giusto equilibrio tra arte e business


From witness of the history of the company to the architect of the managerial project that transformed it into a modern industrial reality, Massimo Sofurati, president of Beby Group, represents the trait d’union between two generations, united by a single tradition under the banner of prestige.
“I started working in the family business very early, first after school alongside my parents and my brothers, and then full time, after completing my education, starting from the simplest tasks up to the first assignments. management.
I therefore had direct experience of all the stages of processing our products, and this allowed me, from a commercial point of view, to consider each model not only as a simple ‘piece’, but as a real one ‘creation’.
Seeing a chandelier born from a sketch, seeing it take shape from metal fusions or glass processing, and admiring it shine thanks to the choice of materials and decorative elements, has always taught me to see the passion, commitment and constancy of who made it.
In my opinion today the most demanding challenge in business management is to maintain the right balance between art and business, so that none of these concepts devalue or diminish the importance of the other, but making sure that they complement each other by acquiring, the one from the other, even more value.
From this point of view, therefore, my business has never been entirely devoted to the exasperated search for profits and turnover through the sole commercial affirmation of the brand, in terms of awareness and large distribution, but has focused the company’s resources on the product. up, on its artistic component, and on those attributes, such as prestige and absolute quality, which are the soul of creations destined for the luxury market “