
Made in Italy, lusso, comfort. Flexform ha fatto di queste caratteristiche il proprio marchio di fabbrica e, oggi, è uno dei marchi più apprezzati al mondo


Made in Italy, luxury, comfort. Flexform has made these characteristics its trademark and, today, it is one of the most appreciated brands in the world. One hundred shop in shop, 14 flagship stores, 75 countries from the USA to China. “We are now addressing all markets, we have managed to put our flag in every place”. Matteo Galimberti is the director of the family business founded in Meda, in the Milanese Brianza, in 1959. And he takes stock of an all-Italian success.
Flexform: “We furnish all the houses in the world”, the administrator Matteo Galimberti speaks Bringing a brand that is synonymous with Made in Italy beyond borders can give great satisfaction: “In the furniture sector, Italian entrepreneurs are received in a very positive way. Flexform, in particular, is a sought-after brand and people, when they have a dream, come close to us. Being Italian, in moments like this, is not easy. But we manage to overcome the obstacle by demonstrating what we know how to do. Not with words, but with deeds ”.
Although exports now reach 80% of Flexform’s turnover, the Meda company remains anchored to the Milanese Brianza where it was born and grew up: “We still have the necessary strength to continue our work here where we were born. And as long as they allow it, we will go on ”, assures Galimberti. “Our products are not only Made in Italy, but also zero kilometer. Flexform continues to grow and even this year, despite the certainly not favorable historical moment, we are reaping excellent results. Thanks to our know-how and to us? that we have designed in the past years “.
To continue this positive trend, the Brianza-based company is also betting on the web. In addition to the official website, Flexform is now also present on social networks and provides potential customers with pure apps for tablets and smartphones: “Today the web is essential for every company. It has opened up new paths, new channels and has allowed us to speed up communication considerably ”.
The relationship with consumers has also changed, Galimberti reveals: “Thanks to the Internet, today we can build a new relationship with customers, which was practically impossible until a few years ago. With the web we can in fact collect answers, understand who our final interlocutor is, have immediate feedback. In a period of global economic crisis, the web represents an extraordinary tool to try to overcome the less easy moments “.