
Life Styles liberi da preconcetti, imposizioni e regole rigide attraverso proposte di arredamento personalizzate e l'uso della tecnologia al servizio del Comfort, dell'Innovazione e delle Emozioni


Uniqueness, contemporary style and Made in Italy vocation are the founding values of the Visionnaire brand, which has been able to conquer a rapid leadership in the international panorama of luxury design, no longer intended as a mere furnishing project, but as a proposal for a “total look”, precious and customized in detail. The careful observation of the world, the continuous evolution of contemporary society and culture are at the heart of Visionnaire’s creativity and modernity. It is thanks to this curious and cosmopolitan approach that the brand has been able to expand all over the world, in the name of a new way of conceiving furniture, not strictly linked to the product but capable of representing a real philosophy of life, in one word a lifestyle. VISIONNAIRE currently has over 2500 items: thanks to the collaboration of a team of experienced, eclectic and visionary designers, Italian and foreign, it is proposed as a total look proposal for important housing projects: from private dream residences as well as public spaces with hotels, restaurants, luxurious clubs covering all living areas from the living room, to the bedroom up to the bathrooms (the wellness rooms), the kitchens (food rooms) and the outdoor collection (outdoor). The marked aptitude for tailor-made planning, and the ability to propose unique solutions with great personality make Visionnaire an ideal partner for “Contract Design” projects today. For some years, in fact, Visionnaire can boast prestigious collaborations in the luxury hospitality sector, covering not only the vast hotel sector but also responding to the needs of particular and important private buildings and acting as an exceptionally sensitive interlocutor. Flexibility, high Italian craftsmanship professionalism, study and “bespoke luxury” creations to satisfy the requests of the most demanding clients. It also boasts experience of extensive bespoke projects in the private yachting sector with the main Italian shipyards and in the sector of short and medium-distance private jets.